Countdown to Spring Break is On! Did you know that LP teachers organize educational INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL opportunities every year for students? Curious what really happens on these trips?
High School is Only 4 Years - But Yearbooks are Forever! Yearbooks are ON SALE now! Order your 2024-2025 yearbook today! Yearbooks are pre-order only. Scan the QR code in the flyer or visit and search for LP!
Art, Activism, Policy, Power! Our Visual Art Majors (2028 cohort) have been working hard capturing stories about Chicago!
2025 All City Senior Portfolio Exhibition & Reception Congratulations to the 25 LP Seniors participating in the All City Senior Portfolio Exhibition this year! Please mark your calendars and come out to support these talented artists!
You Are Beautiful DIY Sticker Designs! The Graphic Arts-H students currently have "You Are Beautiful DIY Sticker Designs" on Exhibition at the You Are Beautiful Gallery!
Pump up your holiday spirit with the Lincoln Park High School Chamber Singers! It's time for the Lincoln Park Chamber Singer's Annual Cocoa and Carols!