Professional Personnel Leadership Committee (PPLC)
PPLC Members Lincoln Park High School 2024-2025
Eric Lezcano-LSC Teacher representative-PPLC Chair
Sandra Koehler-OMA/FOIA
Danielle Crown
Federico Luque Macias
Mary Enda Tookey
Carolyn Latshaw
Ted Linnenbringer
Aimee Smith
The Illinois School Reform Law requires the establishment of a Professional Personnel Leadership Committee (PPLC) at each attendance center. This committee advises the principal and the local school council (LSC) of the attendance center on matters relating to the educational program, including, but not limited to, the curriculum and the development and implementation of the School Improvement Plan. 105 ILCS 5/34-2.4a.
The purpose of the PPLC is to develop and formally present recommendations to the principal and the LSC on all matters related to the educational program, including but not limited to, curriculum, school improvement plan development and implementation, and school budgeting.
The PPLC shall meet with the principal at least once a month to make recommendations regarding the specific methods and content of the school's curriculum and to make other educational improvement recommendations approved by the PPLC. A PPLC report on these matters may be placed on the LSC's monthly agenda.
PPLC meetings are open to the public to attend and are able to address the PPLC at every meeting
Posting public notices and agendas for all of PPLC meetings will be posted at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance.
If you have questions about the PPLC please contact the PPLC Chair Sandra C. Koehler at [email protected].
It is the policy of the Chicago Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, disability or sex. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the regulations promulgated there under concerning sex discrimination should be referred to the Title IX Officer, Chicago Public Schools, 125 South Clark Street, Chicago, IL 773.553.2688 (TTY 773.553.2699)
PPLC Agendas 2021
PPLC Minutes 2021
PPLC Minutes 2024 - 2025