School Policies

Lunch & Closed Campus

Juniors and Seniors will be allowed the privilege of off campus lunch. Students are expected to leave the building only during their lunch periods. Off campus lunch privileges may be revoked if students leave early, arrive late, or have discipline issues on or off-campus.


Identification (ID) Cards

IDs must be worn by all students at all times. Students are not allowed to cover up, deface or alter the identification card in any manner. 


Temporary IDs are available at the entrances of the Main Building and the Freshmen Building. A $1.00 debt will be charged to any student in need of a Temporary ID. 


Students should click here to order a replacement ID. IDs take 2-3 school/business days to arrive; when the ID arrives to LP, it will be delivered to the student in one of their classes by a member of the Security team.


Cell Phones/Electronic Devices

Students may use their electronic devices appropriately when on campus in accordance with CPS policy and at the discretion of school staff. Video recording, except for direct educational purposes and with the consent of all subjects of the recording, is prohibited. 


In classrooms and common areas, a stoplight is posted to indicate the expectations for allowable cell phone/electronic device use in the space: 


RED: Cell phones should not be seen or heard.

YELLOW: Cell phones are allowed for class-specific tasks designated by the staff member.

GREEN: School-appropriate use of phones as defined by the Student Code of Conduct


Hall Passes

Students should remain in their classes the first ten and last ten minutes of each period -- no hall passes should be given to students during these times. 


All students in the hallway after the bell rings should have a hall pass. 


Parking Lot

The parking lot is for staff only. For everyone’s safety please adhere to the following:

  • Parents/guardians and students are not allowed to park in or drive through the staff parking lot.
  • For their safety, students are not allowed to walk through the parking lot.
  • Anyone dropping a student off may not drive through or turn around in the parking lot. Drop-offs should occur on Armitage or on one of the side streets around the school.

Tardiness/Class Cuts

Students who are tardy to class 5 times will receive a detention. Students who arrive to class more than 10 minutes late, leave class with a pass for more than 10 minutes, or leave class without permission are “cutting” class and will receive an automatic detention.


Detention Policies

Detentions can take many forms, and students are encouraged to participate in more restorative “detention replacements” like tutoring sessions or teacher/school support opportunities which will come up periodically throughout the year. Students who accumulate over 5 detentions are subject to mandatory Saturday or lunch detentions.


Internet/Network Use

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students may use the various resources provided by the CPS Network for educational-related activities. Parental consent must be given in order for students to be granted CPS Network privileges. Improper use of the CPS Network or Information Technology Devices is prohibited. Engaging in any improper use will result in the suspension of network privileges as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct (SCC) and Student Bill of rights. 


Improper uses include:

  • Accessing, distributing, or downloading non-educational materials
  • Any unauthorized use of the network or IT device
  • Knowingly or intentionally spreading viruses
  • Intentionally avoiding or attempting to avoid network security through proxy servers, etc.
  • Intentionally causing or attempting to cause all or a portion of the CPS Network to become inoperable

Locks & Lockers

All lockers are the property of Lincoln Park HS and may be subject to random searches as necessary or warranted according to the Student Code of Conduct. LP students are assigned a locker and locker partner for the school year. 


Additionally, students must use an LPHS lock -- if a student adds a personal lock to an LPHS locker, it will be removed. 


Students are advised to securely lock all of their belongings in their assigned locker and are prohibited from sharing their locker with students who are not assigned to it. Furthermore, students are responsible for all items in their assigned locker.


For locker questions, please contact Mr. Hardesty ([email protected]). 


Student Fees/Online Fee Payment

School fees, Fall Sports’ fees, and specialty class fees should all be available in ASPEN. 

Simply log onto ASPEN’s Parent Portal, and pay the fees using a credit card. Click here for directions on how to submit a payment via ASPEN’s Parent Portal/ePay.